Archives for posts with tag: boston tattoo

Boston is a proud city. It’s main sports teams receiving heaping doses of support. A lot of people are definitely fanatics. Boston has the Celtics (currently in the playoffs), the Patriots (they belong to New England, but Boston claims them), the Bruins (recently won the Stanley Cup) and the mighty Red Sox (the baseball team seems to always be in the finals) and the fans are able to recite all the players’ names, in alphabetical order, from tallest to shortest player… This homeage to the teams is a strong display of that fanatical love.

This was created with a 5 tight liner, 9 tight liner, 14 round shader, 9 curved magnum and eternal, starbrite and intenze inks

A few months ago I created a design for a client who asked for something special to show his dedication and love to Boston. It was a design that definitely displayed that love with the famed teams of Boston; the Celtics, Bruins, Patriots (even though they are for all of New England, Boston still claims them), and the Red Sox. Needless to say that client didn’t get the design because he was flakier than a box of corn flakes. A new client seen the design and LOVED it and just had to have it. I had to hand draw that bastard onto his arm. I do have to admit that I enjoyed the whole process alot, and I like the outcome… 5 hours later!

This was created using a 5 supertight liner, 17 bugpin curved magnum and intenze black ink.